28 Aug 2014

Ada Apa Dengan Mauritius


Aku dah berkesempatan pergi sana sebanyak 3 kali. Kali pertama tu kena paksa (rela); between trip to Dubai or this. Of course la, being a young padawan I have to accept the leftover. Truth be told, I have never realised or evenheard bout Mauritius. Well, not until 2006 when the assignment came in. I knew bout Madagascar, but not Mauritius - and these two islands are actually located next to each other. 
Peta Mauritius. Kecik je. Tak Besar Mana Pun

"The tiny Indian Ocean island of Mauritius is heavenly"
- Mark Twain 

Sebanyak 3 kali berada di sana, sebanyak itu jugalah saya sempat berjalan-jalan ke sana ke mari dan one good thing was, each trip i did not repeat or venture into the same activities and places. Kembara (ceh) pertama dan kedua saya duduk selama 7 hari (rasanyalah) dan yang ketiga dalam 5 hari sebab sebelum tu pegi Sri Lanka selama 7 hari. Masak woi travel back to back. Tu tak masuk pengalaman cherry berry kt Colombo sebab makanan pedas gila babas. But then, that would be another story. ehek.

Surprisingly (yes, I am that noob), aku pun tatau yang Mauritius ni one of the beautiful island in the world next to Maldives,Sipadan, Mabul, Perhentian, Redang (if not side by side). Tempat-tempat menarik dia pun best. Well kalau dok seminggu of course la blh ronda semua within that time frame. Hat kali pertama tu, kene keje selama 4 hari, so remain 3 hari tu lah aku pulun p sana sini. God's grace, I made friend with the local, terus dapat free transportation. Just belanja dia makan jeh. Saeed Dusmuhamod nama dia (albeit the spelling lah). Kali kedua pun sama. Keja for about 4 days then I extend my stay (after sending off all work-related stuffs) and continued what I left behind on the first trip. Same goes on my 3rd trip, picked up where I left behind. For the purpose of this blog, aku tulis one shot je lah. Gila apa nk tulis satu-satu. Gambar kat bawah ni masa second trip. Kitorg naik Catamaran tengok sunset. Cantik gilaaaaa. Worth the trip. Best woi. Korang kena cuba.
All aboard ehehe

That's Azila and Kim Posible. Traveling buddies. 4-5 trips with 'em

We left Port Louis at about 5 or 6 pm

"Beautiful sunset 
over the Indian Ocean"

Jeti kat Port Louis

Ok, stay ke Le Suffren, Port Louis. I must say this is quite a posh hotel. First 3 days aku tinggal sini sblm melipat kain baju dan melangkah ke Rose Hill; salah satu town, slight further dari scenic Port Louis ni. The good thing adalah Rose Hill offer a lot of affordable hotel. Aku stay kt hotel apa ek... Lupa nama. Nanti dh ingat, aku buh kt sini. Hehek. Time ni gambar2 yg amik byk ilang sbb tukar keja n lupa bk backup. Sume dlm folder pc office. X sempat copy, dh kene delete. *i is sad. 

Anyway, back to accommodation. Kt Mauritius ni byk je hotel/motel yg murah2. As any other places, lagi dkt dgn pantai, lagi mahal la kos dia. Le Suffren dekat dgn town dan antara yg paling posh (that time la) kt Mauritius. Stay situ sbb nama pun kene keja. So, cari tmpat yg dkt dgn office lah. 

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